Why Laravel Is The Best Php Framework In 2019-20
PHP, which is one of the most widely used programming languages offers a plethora of amazing features to the developers that enable them to write reusable and clean codes whilst achieving the faster development of web applications and websites. There are many PHP frameworks that carry PHP’s features like pre-build flexibility and ease of use with their own specific features to enable the developers to achieve better performance and efficiency. One of these frameworks is Laravel.
What Makes Laravel The Best Php Framework In 2018
Laravel is a contemporary, open-source and widely used web application framework using supporting quick and easy tailored web apps designing. Built-in 2011, the Laravel Framework is relatively new but it spans the depths & widths of a large-scale web app development. The Laravel ecosystem, right after its evolution has quickly developed into a colossal supportive community and offers an array of learning resources as well as free tutorials. It is one of the reasons that it is widely used by the PHP developers for shaping diverse web applications.
# – Template Engine
Laravel has an awesome built-in template engine that enables you to built amazing content using the dynamic content seeding. The template engine is the inbuilt lightweight engine that makes laravel superb to work with.
# – Artisan
To use the command line Laravel uses an artisan command-line tool which makes the tedious and repetitive work easy to work with. Artisan command-line tool can be used to create the database structure, the skeleton for controller and routes, build migration that makes very easy to manage. Artisan even helps developers to create their own commands and do convenient things with it.
# – Support To MVC Architecture
MVC or Model- View- Controller ensures the clarity between the logic and view. Laravel supports MVC Architecture which makes the laravel more efficient, easy to work with and better bonding between the logic and view.
- Controllers to handle user requests and retrieve data, by leveraging Models
- Models to interact with your database and retrieve your objects’ information
- Views to render pages
# – Security
While developing any web application, every programmer in some way has to use some effective ways to make it secure. Laravel takes care of the web application security within its own framework. It uses hashed and salted passwords that means the password would never save as the plain text in a database. It also uses the “Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm” in order to generate an encrypted representation of a password.
# – Routing
With this framework, we can easily approach to routing. The route can be triggered in the application with good flexibility and control to match the URL. Again, since this is such a common scenario, you can define a single resource route, which creates routes for all of those resource controller actions. For more details, you can read the official documentation of here: Laravel Documentation
#- Modular Packaging System
Laravel is loaded with programming utilities to aid the process of web application development as well as moderation in the best possible way. It is packed with the unique Modular Packaging System (MPS) with a completely dedicated dependency manager.
#- Colossal Community Support
Laravel possesses huge community support. There are a plethora of online resources where one can find comprehensive learning guides and documentation to help the developers overcome any problem they are encountering with Laravel. There are innumerable resources that can be used by the developers to enhance their development skills and scope.
# Conclusion
There are some other features as well. For example, Queue and Task Scheduling, Request Object, Laravel Socialite, Commands, etc. Laravel 6 has improved a lot from an architectural perspective. It also works seamlessly for code organization and maintenance. If you are ready to work with you can find the tutorial to Install the Laravel here.